FREELANCER INSURANCE by AbbeyWoodcock “Do I need business insurance, and if so what type of insurance do I need?” Our partner Coterie covers this question in more depth here, but the short answer is yes. If you are a freelancer you need to at least have coverage for Professional Liability insurance. Sometimes called Errors and…

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Do you ever feel like you’re just guessing when it comes to your project fees? That’s exactly what this video is all about. I brought in Branko Mijatovic, founder of to walk through exactly how to come up with prices that make sense and aren’t made up. We cover: [04:01] Why freelancers are usually terrible…

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I am not a graphic designer. But, I have a lot of needs for nice looking documents and images. In this tutorial, I�ll show you how I use a freemium program called Canva to create professional looking designs quickly and without spending a lot of money. Here�s just a few things I use Canva for:…

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We all know we need to plan. Some of us even do it. But, most of us have trouble executing our plan — despite our best intentions. When I discovered Dave Ruel’s ProductivAction method, I knew I had to get him inside the Freelance Co-op. This has truly been a game changer for how I…

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Before I grew enough to use the capabilities of a project management tool like 17Hats, the Harvest App was the software I used daily. It’s a great “starter program” for invoicing, time tracking, and planning. Benefits: You can time track, even toggling between projects (or phases of projects) really easily It’s intuitive to use Sending…

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17hats is the “Command Center” of my freelance business. We can create custom, automatic workflows for each client. Load up our templates and send them automatically. For example, once our contract is signed, the invoice goes out instantly (without having to touch anything). It also emails reminders when things are past due or when I…

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Software Programs We Use Easy landing pages Leadpages Graphic Design Canva  Automatic Password Management Lastpass Time tracking, invoicing Harvest Project management/workflow/bookkeeping 17hats  Autoscheduling Acuity Scheduling Planning Effic ProductivAction Planner Electronic Signatures Hellosign Auto-followup Followup Then Payment Processor Stripe Transcription Meetings Zoom Voice Tools Tone Analyzer Cadence Tool Voice Book

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